Kitty Mama Life

The Joy of Bubble Wrap: Life Lessons from Happy Cats

Hello, Beautiful Human!

Recently, our 4-year-old bobtail girl Arya (full name: Arya Maisie Lyanna – where my fellow Game of Throne nerds at? Nicknames: Teddy Bear, T. Bear) discovered the joy of popping bubble wrap.

Her wombmate tiger-striped brother Tyrion (full name: Tyrion Peter – double brownie points if you know, you know. Nicknames: Tiger, El Tigre) had discovered this joy years ago.

A new shipment came in and I removed the products, leaving the box, cardboard divider, and bubble wrap on the floor. Arya usually just goes for the box or lies on the cardboard. I was working on my laptop, then heard rustling, thinking Tyrion had come in to play with the bubble wrap. When I turned around, SHE was POPPING! Of course, I had to document my little kitty girl’s First Bubble Wrap Popping Experience.

She really enjoyed it, and I was glad she discovered this fun new activity other than bringing live grasshoppers in the house for once! My 5 kitties teach us so many things, but here are just 5 Lessons, one from each cat.

Life Lesson 1: Pop the Bubble Wrap!

Arya loves playing with feathers, string, feathers on a string, random pieces of paper, grasshoppers, my hand if I’m not careful, and now, bubble wrap!

Arya: Have a little fun! Let loose! Live a little!

Arya vs Bubble Wrap

Life Lesson 2: Claim the Box (and the Couch, and the Toys…)

Tyrion likes to sit in boxes, sit on shoes, sit on our feet whether wearing shoes or not, the kitty tower, scale kitchen cabinet tops, and a few years ago, claimed some decorative feathers I had up on top of said kitchen cabinets in our previous house!

Tyrion: Take ownership of what you want and run with it (literally)!

No, Mama, these feathers are now MINE!

Life Lesson 3: Demand Attention

Our 14-year-old tuxedo girl Kaida (Pronounced Ky-duh. Full name: Kaida Ten Neko, which means little dragon spotted cat in Japanese. Nickname: Kai Kai), who lived inside until we moved to the country and then insisted she lives outside now, loves to have Sitting Time outside in the evening. We have three patio chairs set up, and she jumps into her chair in the middle of my husband and me, demanding pets/”lovies” from each of us back and forth! She is very coy about sitting on our laps (unless it is cold out). When the first cold snap hit, I brought out the blanket. I also happened to be having a down day, and Kaida came to the rescue and snuggled with me on the blanket.

Kaida: Let your voice be heard! When you need a hug (or scratch on the chin) ask for what you want!

Appointment for lap snuggles only when you have a blanket!

Life Lesson 4: Roam Where You Want To

Mitzi Lue is our 3-year-old (we think) bonus kitty who came with the house. My dad originally adopted her from a shelter, but he gave my husband and I the family home and built his own barndominum below the hill where we live on the family property. My dad’s cat Ernie moved down with him on his own, but Mitzi decided to stay put with us! She is very sweet and independent. I gave her the same middle name as my mom, who we lost suddenly over four and a half years ago.

Mitzi Lue: I do what I want!

She has an adorable screamy meow!

Life Lesson 5: Take a Nap Until it All Blows Over

Ms. Kitty is our 16-year-old resident eldery lady, adopted from my sis-in-law a few years ago. She is nearly blind, but can probably still see shapes and movement and her hearing is still very alert. She was once a city cat, but loves being a country cat now! She is very sweet with us, but has no time for the other cats! If she were a Golden Girl, she would definitely be Sophia! She will retreat to her kitty house on the porch or even the wooden cat house that my husband built under the carport. She likes to have options for her serious naps, and alone time away from the youngins’.

Ms. Kitty: Get plenty of rest, and STAY OFF MY LAWN!

I blep at you!

We love our little sillies and their kitty personalities!

From Top: Kaida, Tyrion, Arya, Mitzi, Kitty

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