Avon Rep Life

Behind the Scenes: Real Talk & Organized Chaos

Hello, Beautiful Human! It’s time for some REAL TALK.

The other day, I posted on my Facebook VIP Group about an incentive I earned thanks to my customers where I was able to choose $100 worth of free products.

It did not come easily. This was the first time I have ever achieved anything like that so far in my Avon career after being at this for over TWO AND A HALF YEARS. The picture with this post is a real-life shot of my desk. When I get an idea for a video, I grab a sheet of paper and jot it down with a plan. And then another. And then another. I also have multiple tabs open on my computer. I always have multiple tabs open in my brain! Other papers are several lists of customers I emailed and texted about various specials. The majority of which didn’t even respond. For those who do, THANK YOU! I appreciate you more that I can express!

I have a laptop and a second larger monitor I use for editing videos. I have my coffee and large cup for water as I am working. Sometimes, I have to remind myself to get up and take a break.

I call it organized chaos. Yes, I need to organize my desk, but I just wanted to show you a real glimpse into my process. I am a real person trying to make this business work. Showing you what Avon is all about, how much it has changed for the better. I provide product review videos, personal consultations, sales notifications, and I truly want to help you find solutions rather than just make a sale. When you order from me, I earn a small commission that helps me and my family, not a big box store. It’s a ton of work, but I enjoy it.

My mission is to serve my customers the best way I can. How can I help you today? (I promise to organize my desk!)

~Jen, your online AVON Lady of Beyond the Stage Beauty

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  1. I love your transparency in this post. We so often try to live up to a nonexistent perfection. Thanks for keeping it real!

    1. Cherith, Thank you so much, and you’re welcome! I am my own worst critic. Effort takes time to pay off, and I just have to keep being patient. And, I will keep on keepin’ it real!

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